电子产品回收调查 eCycling Educational Survey


After you get a new cell phone, what do you do with the old one? This survey is designed to promote awareness of electronics recycling and encourage people to get involved. After completing the survey, you can see the answers at the confirmation page. 你得到一个新的手机后, 旧的怎么处理呢? 感谢您帮助我们的电子产品回收调查. 请不要在互联网上查找答案

* Required

Your Country 国家 *:

Your State/Province 省份 *:

Your City 城市 *:
Does your state law or your country's law allow electronics to be thrown into the trash? 你们省的法律是否允许随意丢弃电子产品? *
Every year, how many cell phones are thrown away in China? 在中国,每年有多少手机被丢弃?
More than 40 million tons of e-Waste is generated in the world every year. What percent do you think is recycled? 每年全世界会产生超过4千万吨的电子废弃物,你认为有多少比例的废弃物被回收?
How many times have you recycled electronics? 您的电子产品更新时回收了几次?
If you do not recycle your electronics, what is your primary reason? 如果你没有回收你的电子产品,主要原因是什么
Did you know what EPA stands for (without checking internet) 你知道EPA代表什么吗?(在不查网络的情况下)?
Do you know that e-waste represents ~2% of America’s landfills, but accounts for over 70% of toxic waste? 你是否知道在美国电子废弃物占美国垃圾填埋场2%,但占到有毒废弃物的70%
Do you have small electronics i.e. old phones/iPods sitting in your home? 你的家里是否有旧手机废置不用?
Do you have old computers (desktop, laptops, monitors etc.) sitting in your home that you are not using? 在你家里是否有不在使用中的旧电脑(台式、笔记本或显示屏等)
If you have electronics sitting at home, what do you honestly plan to do? 如果你有旧电子产品废置不用,请如实回答你会怎么处理他们?
Does your city host recycling fairs/events? 你所在城市是否有回收产品的活动?
Have you been to a recycling center or recycling fair/event? 你是否去过回收中心或是参加过回收产品活动?
What is your age group? 您的年龄

Comments or email address if you would like to receive survey results later. Please also indicate here if you would like to join us in recycling electronics or refurbishing computers. Thank you!




eCycling Educational Survey

We Care Act

iLearn World